The Truth About Juicing and Sugar: How to Juice Smarter

Juicing has become a wellness trend embraced by many, but it’s also faced criticism - especially when it comes to sugar. Some argue that juice is no better than sugar water, while others hail it as a nutrient-packed elixir. So, what’s the real deal? Is juice too sugary to be healthy? The answer is more [...]

Plant-Based Health Coach Turns to Non-Toxic Cancer Care

After Two Years Away, I’m Sharing My Biggest Challenge Yet It’s been almost two years since I last posted on my YouTube channel, and a lot has happened during that time. Earlier this year, I received a life-changing diagnosis: I have cancer. As a plant-based health coach and certified juice therapist, this news was both [...]

Heart Healthy Gingered Swiss Apple Juice

Swiss chard is a mineral-rich, mild-tasting leafy green vegetable with many health benefits. It grows easily and does especially well in the cooler Spring and Fall weather. I love walking into my backyard and harvesting a handful of those large, red-veined, glossy dark green leaves with beautiful red stalks for a juice. The delicious, gingery [...]

Heart Healthy Sparkling Pomegranate Citrus Sipper Juice Recipe

Pomegranate juice is well known for its heart health benefits, lowering blood pressure and supporting heart health in other ways. A meta-analysis of eight randomized placebo-controlled trials on pomegranate juice found that it significantly lowered systolic blood pressure regardless of how long or how much pomegranate juice was consumed. Diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) [...]

Your Diet and Breast Cancer – What You Need to Know

[Updated Oct. 5. 2022] Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women (besides skin cancer.) I used to think that family history or genetic predisposition are the main causes of breast cancer. After all, that is what we hear about in the media most often. But I was wrong. Way wrong. Only about [...]