Juicing for Allergies – Best Juices and Blends

The days are finally warmer, and the grass is greener. The trees are leafing out and the flowers are blooming. And you might be miserable. Especially if you’re among the millions that suffer from seasonal allergies. Can anything be done beyond over-the-counter medications to calm the inflammation and histamine reactions? Yes! There are many foods [...]

Juices vs. Smoothies – Which is Better?

One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is “what is the difference between juicing and blending?” That is usually closely followed by “which is better, juices or smoothies?” My answer? It depends! Both juices and smoothies have a place in a healthy plant-based diet. Here are the differences and some things to consider [...]

Do You Have to Drink Plain Celery Juice?

The humble vegetable usually left behind on the veggie tray or ignored on a plate of wings has suddenly become a celebrity. People everywhere are now drinking celery juice every morning – 16 oz. of it on an empty stomach. Many people love plain celery juice. Others find it intolerable, reporting nausea and other discomforts. [...]

Does Juicing Remove All the Nutrition with the Pulp?

Q: "Is it true that the pulp is where all the important nutrients are, yet juicers only extract the juice?" A: I hear variations of this often, that the pulp that is discarded is where all (or most of) the nutrients are, and that when you juice you are essentially throwing away the most important part [...]