Are Deadly Trans Fats Still Sneaking Into Your Diet?

It is a known fact that trans fatty acids, commonly referred to as “trans fats,” are deadly, even at low levels.  Industrially produced partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are the most common source of trans fats in a typical diet. Once thought to be a better alternative to saturated fat, trans fats began to be used [...]

Kale Fattoush with Feta and Kidney Beans

What can you do with limp kale and pita bread that’s past its prime?  Make a delicious lunch or light dinner, of course! Fattoush is an Arabic bread salad that makes good use of common fresh vegetables and stale or toasted flatbread.  The main ingredients usually include lettuce, cucumber, radishes, tomatoes, onion, mint and toasted [...]

Are You Doing “Whole Grain” the Right Way?

The mantra to “eat more whole grains” can be heard everywhere.  The pages of your favorite magazines recommend  “whole grains” for better weight management.  Your doctor recommends you eat whole grains for dietary fiber.  And the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that at least half of the grain that we eat be “whole grain.” [...]

The Delectable Pineapple (Health Benefits + Recipes)

As I slice past the spiny exterior, revealing the golden, sticky-sweet flesh of the fruit inside, I know I’m in for a treat.  I love the uniquely sharp and sweet flavor of the pineapple.  Chopped and added to fresh salsas, it brightens meat, chicken and fish.  Broiled to a syrupy golden-brown and spooned over vanilla [...]

How to Help Your Family Eat Better (Even When They Don’t Want To)

You serve a vegetarian chili, and your husband asks you not to make it again.  You decide not to buy sodas and your tween or teen gives you a stricken look.  You set a plate of “grown-up” food in front of your 5 year old and she asks for “nuggets.” It’s discouraging.  You might even [...]

Roasted Fennel with Beans and Greens

Fennel bulb, sometimes called anise, sitting on the grocer’s shelf, is pale and unbecoming.  Seasoned and roasted to golden perfection in a hot oven, it’s delicious.  If you’ve been skipping this funny looking vegetable with frilly green fronds, you’ll want to add it to your basket and give it a try. In addition to being [...]