Eating out can be a fun and enjoyable time for families.  Mom (or Dad) get a break from cooking, and everyone gets to visit over dinner.  But recently, after a visit to our local Mexican food restaurant, I decided there was a definite down-side.  The amazing calorie count of those never-ending baskets of chips, great gobs of cheese, and bottomless glasses of soda made an impression on me.  By the time the bill came, everyone was groaning about how full they were.  We could have had a better, tastier meal at home.  And we might have actually felt like doing something afterward!  

Healthy Mexican or Southwest inspired food can easily be made at home, and dinner can be enjoyed by all – without the extra pounds and without emptying your wallet.  So when I got in the mood for quesadillas and guacamole, I made Smoky Chicken Mango Quesadillas and decided to share it with you.

Watch the video, and if you decide to make these tasty quesadillas, let me know what you think!