You may have heard that you should limit your fruit consumption because it causes weight gain or can make it difficult to lose weight.

The concern was around the fructose in fruit. Studies started coming out about the damage that fructose can do to the body, and since fructose is found in whole fruit, many jumped to the conclusion that all fructose is bad.

Fortunately, more recent studies have concluded that this fear about fructose in whole fruit is unfounded.

According to the Harvard Health Letter, the only fructose that is a problem is fructose that is added to foods.

Here is what we know about fruit consumption:

  • “Fruits are not harmful and are even beneficial in almost any amount,” Harvard Health Letter.
  • High fruit consumption has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer.
  • Fruit contains a wide range of flavonoids which act on multiple pathways in the body. These antioxidants reduce inflammation and improve endothelial function.
  • Studies show that whole fruit intake should not be restricted in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Limiting fruit intake does not improve blood sugar regulation. Eating fruit with a meal lowers blood sugar response.

Should You Limit Fruit to Lose Weight?

So we know fruit is good for our heart and lowers our risk of other diseases like cancer. But what about weight loss?

In a study where individuals ate 20 servings of fruit a day, (the fructose equivalent of 8 cans of soda) there were no adverse health effects on body weight, blood pressure, insulin or lipid levels.

Compared to other snack options, fruit is low in calories and high in fiber. This will help you feel full with fewer calories.

Fruit is also naturally sweet. When you eliminate most of the refined sugars from your diet, and enjoy fruit instead, your palate is reset to naturally sweet foods helping you to avoid sugary snack foods.

Fruit is delicious and satisfying. It’s one of the reasons that the Nutritarian plan for rapid weight loss includes 4 servings of fruit per day.

#1 Dietary Risk of Death

What’s the number one dietary risk of death? Not eating enough vegetables?

No. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study published in 2012 (the most comprehensive analysis of causes of death ever undertaken,) the number one risk factor for death in the U.S. is not eating enough fruit!

Eating your fruits and veggies is important for long term health including a healthy weight. Enjoy!

What is your favorite fruit? Share it with me in the comments below.

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