About Steph Leach

As a Certified Health Coach and Certified Juice Therapist, Stephanie Leach supports individuals ready to harness the power of plants to achieve a healthy weight and avoid or reverse chronic conditions by helping them transition to a customized whole food, plant-based diet and lifestyle that works for them.

How to Rescue Your Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

Did you know that today is Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day?  Yep, there is a national day to officially cut ourselves ourselves loose from resolutions that we have been unable to maintain. This reveals a reality:  Real, sustained change can be difficult. Well intended New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight, exercise [...]

Artificial and Natural Flavorings Engineered to Create Cravings

Grocery store aisles are overflowing with packaged and processed foods and drinks.  Filling our baskets and carts with sodas, frozen prepared meals, and boxes of snack foods is just, well, normal.  But have you ever wondered why our taste buds are tantilized by the initial pop and zing of the latest soft drink?  Why our [...]