I have a confession to make.  As a health coach, I know how important it is to eat high quality, whole foods that fuel my body.  And I know that regular exercise is essential to good cardiovascular health.

But I hate to “exercise.”

Munching on veggies.  Juicing some greens.  That’s easy.

Getting off my butt and out of my office to get my blood pumping – that is the challenge.

Until recently, my list of excuses was endless.  When I lived in Houston it was too hot and muggy.  When I moved to Colorado I worked a lot and had to drive hundreds of miles every month (sitting on my butt.)  I told myself I just didn’t have time, and one day when I was able to work from home – then I would have the time to exercise.

That day finally came.  I resigned from my traveling sales job and became self employed, working from home.  Finally I would have time to exercise!

I bought some cute exercise clothes and a new pair of running shoes.  (I had always envied my runner friends.)

But guess what.  (And you only get one guess.)  Yep, that’s right.  I never found the time.  There was always something that needed to be done at my desk, on the computer, in the house.

That’s when I realized it wasn’t about “time.”  It was about boredom.  I just hadn’t found a form of “exercise” that I enjoyed.  Walking was nice – when it was nice out.  While I enjoyed a jog for a mile or so, I didn’t enjoy running, pounding the pavement for miles on end.  The thought of lifting weights or using the elliptical in a gym made me cry.

Then I remembered that one of the reasons that I moved to Colorado was to HIKE.

That may sound silly – that I forgot to hike in Colorado – but I live in a suburban neighborhood with a sidewalk an hour away from the trail heads that lead to those wind-whipped, rugged, high alpine lakes and peaks that I dream of.

And I have work, a family, and other activities that are important that keep me near home.  It was all too easy to get caught up in routine, continuing to tell myself that I “didn’t have time,” and that one day I would be able to do those hikes.

Then I made the commitment to HIKE.  A lot.

When I am hiking and my heart starts pumping, I am not focused on how many minutes are left on the treadmill display.  I am focused on getting to the top, to the next ridge, or to the next turn in the trail.  When the going gets steep and challenging, I am not calculating incline.  I am noticing the tiny white flowers and mossy green things at my feet.

Here’s the amazing part.  To make time for hiking, I only had to rearrange a couple of things on my schedule.  When it’s something you really enjoy and want to do, it’s easy to make time for it. 

Do you struggle to find the time to exercise?  I challenge you to find something you truly enjoy. Something that lets you smile and feel a sense of soul-satisfying accomplishment when you are through.

What do you enjoy?  Please share your comments below.