Heart Healthy Gingered Swiss Apple Juice

Swiss chard is a mineral-rich, mild-tasting leafy green vegetable with many health benefits. It grows easily and does especially well in the cooler Spring and Fall weather. I love walking into my backyard and harvesting a handful of those large, red-veined, glossy dark green leaves with beautiful red stalks for a juice. The delicious, gingery [...]

Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Cardiovascular Health

Wondering if juicing fruits and vegetables is heart healthy? Wonder no more. After reviewing over 100 studies on fruit and vegetable juices and their impact on cardiovascular health, researchers concluded that the answer is YES, juicing is good for your heart. “Some juices might be used as potential supplements for cardiovascular protection, especially mixture of [...]

Heart Healthy Grape Juice May Reduce the Risk of Deadly Blood Clots

Heart healthy grape juice reduces platelet aggregation - when platelets clump together resulting in a potentially deadly blood clot that can cause heart attack - according to a study published in The Journal for Nutrition.   Platelet aggregation is good when you cut your finger. The disc-shaped platelets in your blood detect the injury and [...]