Food Cravings – Weaknesses or Messages?

Your body is intelligent.  It is always there for you, pumping blood, digesting whatever food you put in it and maintaining homeostasis.  Is this reliable, intelligent bio-computer making a mistake by craving potato chips, a hamburger or chocolate?  Are cravings just an opportunity to exercise “will-power” or discipline? Maybe cravings are something else.  I believe [...]

Ollin Farms Chile Festival Goes Beyond Organic

It’s September on the Front Range.  That means cooler evenings, brilliant sunsets and chiles! It’s also Local Food Month in many regions, so I popped in at Ollin Farms Chile Festival for some pepper tasting, chile roasting, music and recipe fun.  The farm stand was loaded with beautiful, jewel toned sweet peppers and hot chiles, [...]

Ditch the Kit and Upgrade Your Tacos

I don’t spend much time on the inner aisles of the grocery store any more.  You know the aisles I’m talking about, the ones displaying an army of boxes full of nutrient stripped, highly processed food containing preservatives, chemicals, trans fats and genetically modified ingredients. One of the items I used to reach for regularly [...]

3 Delicious Recipes to Enjoy Summer’s End

The sun’s up a little later.  The nights are a little cooler.  The garden is churning out the last rounds of yellow squash, zucchini and cucumber.  And the heirloom tomato plants are so heavy with ripening lusciousness that they have nearly toppled over. What to do with all of this abundance? I hate it when [...]

Working with a Health Coach Works – New Study

If you want to accomplish a difficult goal, it helps to have someone knowledgeable supporting you every step of the way.  I learned the truth of this when I hired my own first coach.  Those one-on-one calls with an objective, non-judgmental woman who cared deeply about my success were life-changing.  She helped me identify and [...]