Are you looking for ways to celebrate Earth Day every day? Take a look at the curated list below to see what inspires you to take action and go green!
Going Green 101
Where to start? Check out these tips if you’re a newbie:
Ecological Footprint Quiz: How big a carbon footprint are you leaving behind? Take this quiz to find out.
How to Green Your Diet: 3 Easy Steps
How to Start Your Urban Garden
Going Green 101: Tips for a Healthy Earth Day
How to Celebrate Earth Day Everyday: 10 Easy Tips
Eat, Drink and Be Green
Grow your own food and nourish your body in an eco-friendly way to help yourself and the earth:
Garden in the Koop: Laura Baldwin sells gardens in recycled egg cartons that are easy to maintain and don’t take up too much space. The cartons are available in a wide variety of seedlings.
OlyKraut: Summer Bock has a raw gourmet sauerkraut company that creates seasonal, sustainable fermented foods from local produce.
Affirm Water: Started by Alicia Grimaldi, Affirm Water encourages people to drink more water from a safe vessel while protecting the environment and creating positive change in the world.
Green Skin Care
What goes on your skin gets absorbed into your body. Upgrade your beauty style with healthier options:

Sprout Skincare
Sprout Skincare: Adina Grigore creates all natural, sustainable skin creams, body scrubs, lip balms, cleansers and toners that are gentle on your skin.
Heaven and Earth: Mary Harris makes earth-friendly, natural, vegan, and vegetarian products for mind, body, and spirit.
Cush Cosmetics: Toni Hall Parker integrated nature, science and sustainability to create this natural skin and hair care line. All of the products are made strictly from botanicals and essential oils.
Green Spring Cleaning
Clear out the dust, clutter, and let the energy of spring into your home. Kick off a healthy cleaning spree with these eco-friendly tips:

Clean Green
10 Easy Ways To Green Your Home
Create a Paperless Kitchen: Simple Mom shows you how to get rid of napkins and paper towels without sacrificing your clean kitchen.
EcoPureChoice: Tarina Visone makes home cleaning products contain ingredients found in nature and are guaranteed to not harm your health or the earth.
20 Eco-Friendly Ways to Spring Clean Your Home
Modern Pioneering
How green will you go? Check out these cool tips below to reduce your carbon footprint:
Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaning Kit: Care2 shows you how to clean your home with common edible ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and salt.
Can You Do Away With Toilet Paper?: This helpful post breaks down your options.
Who To Follow
Want to get more daily earth-friendly tips into your life? Try following these voices in social media:
Tree Hugger: A Discovery Channel site, covering all things green, from the latest products to eco news. It’s one of the most widely read environmental blogs. @TreeHugger
EcoGeek: A blog exploring the symbiosis between nature and technology, reporting on new ecofriendly trends and gadgets. @ecogeek
Grist: “A beacon in the smog,” Grist covers the latest beats on climate change, policy, small farming, and more. @grist
EcoSalon: This lifestyle and fasion site covers your favorite topics with an eco-friendly approach. @ecosalon
To find more people to follow and new articles on Twitter search the hashtags #EarthDay, #sustainable or #greenliving
Pinterest Boards
Earth Eats: Pins from a weekly podcast, public radio program and blog covering the freshest news and recipes inspired by local food and sustainable agriculture.
Green Living Magazine: Pins from Green Living magazine, including environmental tips for “greening” your health and wellness, children, pets, outdoor living, food and education.
YouTube Channels
GardenGirltv: Videos and playlists sharing tons of useful ideas, from how to preserve herbs in ice cubes to how to make a chicken coop tractor.
GreenopolisTV: A feed devoted to protecting the environment, exploring a range of subjects such as facts about recycling and ways to be energy efficient.
Local/Sustainable Foods
Make your kitchen more earth-friendly with these tips for finding sustainable, wild, and local foods:
Seafood Watch: The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch educates both home cooks and professionals about choosing the most sustainable seafood choices. Get the most up-to-date list of which fish to choose (and which to avoid!), and here for delicious recipes.
Local Harvest: Find a local farms, community supported agriculture (CSA) groups, and other local and sustainable food resources.
Neighborhood Fruit: Find fruit trees on land in the public domain and enjoy some free fruit.
Urban Organic Gardner: learn how to grow your own container garden on your patio, windowsill, or terrace.
Coffee CSA: find farm-to-cup coffee sources and support farmers directly.
Alternate Transportation
Leave the gas guzzler in the garage and try out some healthier transportation alternatives:
Get Informed
Diet for a Hot Planet: Author Anna Lappe, co-founder of the Small Planet Institute, investigates the connection between the food industry and climate change.
Essential Nourishment: Written by Marika Blossfeldt, this resource is part cookbook, part holistic guide, and totally dedicated to living (and eating!) well.
Garbage! The Revolution Starts at Home: This film focuses on  the waste generated by a family in a three-month span.
No Impact Man: This film focuses on one family’s attempt to “live off the grid.”
Dirt! The Movie: This film focuses on soil fertility, pollutants, erosion, and what we can do to protect the health of our greatest resource.
Environmental Tips from the EPA
Eating Green
Fruit Tree Planting Foundation: Raw foods expert David Wolfe acts as the president of this charity, whose mission is to plant as many edible, fruitful trees and plants as possible.
Slow Food USA: This global non-profit “believes everyone has the right to good, clean, and fair food.”
Healthy Child, Healthy World: Healthy Child Healthy World advocates for eco-friendly alternatives to the toxic chemicals that harm children.
Food Day: Michael Jacobson, a founding member of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, launched Food Day in 2011 to promote sustainability, increase consumer access to locally-grown foods, and protect the environment and animals by reforming factory farms.
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