A Surprising Cancer-Fighting Vegetable

On the “veggie tray” at gatherings, it’s the vegetable that’s usually leftover. The one that gets eaten last, if at all, when its more colorful veggie partners are long gone. Yet this humble looking vegetable is a nutrient-packed “cancer-fighting superfood.” What is it? It’s CELERY! Yes, celery is more than a scoop for dip or [...]

Budget Friendly Superfoods: Sweet Potatoes

During the land’s wintry deep sleep, when the hardy greens of spring are only garden plans on a page, I turn my culinary and nutritional attention to root vegetables. They’re what’s in season, and I love them all. Roasted carrots, parsnips, beets and sunchokes. Baked and stuffed russet potatoes. Celery root salad. But the sweet [...]