How to Manage Stress During Disaster News Coverage

This past week, Southeast Texas experienced record flooding due to Hurricane Harvey. It’s where I grew up and spent most of my life until about ten years ago. Due to technology, I am able to watch local news channels livestream the devastation, and keep up with friends and family via social media posts. Fortunately, most [...]

Plant-Based Lifestyle Year-end Dinner Party Strategies

The year-end weeks bring with them opportunities to rest, reflect and reconnect with loved ones. Along with coffee and conversation comes food. Lots of food. If you are new to the plant-based lifestyle, food-focused gatherings can be a real challenge. Especially sit down dinner parties, where what you are eating - or not eating - [...]

Post-Workout, Immunity-Boosting Secret Ingredient

It’s well-known phenomenon. Early in the year, thousands hit the gym in a shared resolve to lose weight and get healthy. Unfortunately, many are also sharing their cold and flu germs. So how do you stay healthy while trying to get fit? Understanding Immunity and Exercise While moderate exercise does boost your immunity, intense and [...]

1 Out of 3 Adults Have Prediabetes (And What You Can Do About It)

No one likes bad news.  But sometimes “bad news” can be the catalyst for decisive action, a warning that helps us avoid a personal disaster. This month, the CDC released the new National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014. The numbers are truly alarming. Over 86 million American adults (1 in 3!) have prediabetes.  If they don’t [...]

How to Toss the “No Time to Exercise” Excuse

I have a confession to make.  As a health coach, I know how important it is to eat high quality, whole foods that fuel my body.  And I know that regular exercise is essential to good cardiovascular health. But I hate to “exercise.” Munching on veggies.  Juicing some greens.  That’s easy. Getting off my butt [...]

Is Your Child at Risk for High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, used to be a “grown-up” problem.  While many adults do struggle with this condition, a new study now shows that high blood pressure is also a growing problem for our children too.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  Here are the facts, and what you can [...]

Recipe For a Long, Healthy and Happy Life

Can you live to be 90 or 100, and enjoy it?  According to Dan Buettner, internationally recognized researcher, National Geographic Fellow and founder of Blue Zones®, much depends on your environment. Dan has extensively studied the world’s regions with the longest lived people – Ikaria, Greece, Loma Linda, California, Nicoya, Costa Rica, Okinawa, Japan, and [...]