About Steph Leach

As a Certified Health Coach and Certified Juice Therapist, Stephanie Leach supports individuals ready to harness the power of plants to achieve a healthy weight and avoid or reverse chronic conditions by helping them transition to a customized whole food, plant-based diet and lifestyle that works for them.

Plant-Based Diet and COVID-19 Severity

Can a heart healthy plant-based diet lower the odds of getting seriously sick with COVID-19? Yes - by a landslide - according according to a new study published in MBJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health. The study included 2884 healthcare workers, mostly physicians and all with high exposure to patients with COVID-19, from six countries - [...]

Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Cardiovascular Health

Wondering if juicing fruits and vegetables is heart healthy? Wonder no more. After reviewing over 100 studies on fruit and vegetable juices and their impact on cardiovascular health, researchers concluded that the answer is YES, juicing is good for your heart. “Some juices might be used as potential supplements for cardiovascular protection, especially mixture of [...]

Heart Healthy Grape Juice May Reduce the Risk of Deadly Blood Clots

Heart healthy grape juice reduces platelet aggregation - when platelets clump together resulting in a potentially deadly blood clot that can cause heart attack - according to a study published in The Journal for Nutrition.   Platelet aggregation is good when you cut your finger. The disc-shaped platelets in your blood detect the injury and [...]

Are Eggs and Cholesterol Really That Bad?

“Are eggs really that bad for us?” “Is dietary cholesterol really that important?” These questions still circulate. When the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans was published, it had some conflicting recommendations. It recommended that we eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible, but also stated that cholesterol was no longer a nutrient of concern. This [...]

Heart Healthy Sparkling Pomegranate Citrus Sipper Juice Recipe

Pomegranate juice is well known for its heart health benefits, lowering blood pressure and supporting heart health in other ways. A meta-analysis of eight randomized placebo-controlled trials on pomegranate juice found that it significantly lowered systolic blood pressure regardless of how long or how much pomegranate juice was consumed. Diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) [...]

Ditch Dairy to Reduce Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease

The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 was quietly published December 29, 2020. And the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has demanded that the USDA retract and redraft the guidelines.   Disappointingly, (but not surprisingly,) the new guidelines still call for dairy - a whopping 3 cups of it a day. They make this [...]

Tea, Fruit and Chocolate Associated with Lower Blood Pressure

Flavan-3-ols, a subclass of flavonoids found abundantly in tea, apples, chocolate, berries and grapes, may help lower blood pressure naturally. There have been many small interventional studies over the years that have demonstrated the heart health benefits of flavan-3-ols. Now there is published research from a large population study that also supports these conclusions. [...]